2011年3月17日 星期四

County May Spend $300K To Replace Light Bulbs

County May Spend $300K To Replace Light Bulbs

Orange County leaders could spend over $300,000 of taxpayer money to replace light bulbs and signs. WFTV crunched the numbers Monday to find out if the spending is worth it.

There are more than 1,000 lit street signs across Orange County,Marketing officer Jo Lewis said: "The new led spotlight lights really make the venue come alive. People have been commenting on how spectacular they look and I really think they make coming to the theatre more welcoming and enjoyable." and 160 could be getting an upgrade. The county wants to use nearly $300,000 in federal stimulus to switch to LED technology.

The fluorescent tube currently found inside of a light costs about $4 to replace and has to be changed every six months. The LED tube costs $500 to replace,, who was tasked with tracing Garcia's financial transactions, likewise inflatable products confirmed the general drift of the transactions as traced by Rabusa. but only needs to be changed every five years.

When fluorescent lights need to be changed, the county has to close down lanes for two hours."Our grandkids come down from Columbu inflatable seat s for a couple of weeks each summer, and they said we should change to the more efficient bulbs," Warden said. "So we've replaced about 30 bulbs throughout the house." That will only happen every five years with LED lights.

But, will switching actually save money? WFTV looked at a five-year period.

Going LED would cost $291,000 in new signs plus $80,000 for bulbs. That's $371,000. But county engineers said it would save $36,000 in electricity and $333,Unlike silica glass, which traditionally is used in optical fibers, zinc selenide is outdoor christmas decorations a compound semiconductor. "We've known for a long time that zinc selenide is a useful compound, capable of manipulating light in ways that silica can't," Badding said.000 in parts and service. That suggests taxpayers would almost break even in five years.

"If it broke even in five years, do you think it's a good return, or do you think it's not worth it right now?" WFTV reporter Nicole Papageorge asked a taxpayer.

"No right now it isn't worth it,Second, as Badding and his team expected, they found ds マジコン that the new class of fiber provided more versatility not just in the visible spectrum, but also in the infrared -- electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light." one person replied.

"It's better for the environment, and it's most cost-efficient in the long run and we have to look at the long run," said resident Mary Harper.

County commissioners will decide when they vote on the idea at Tuesday's commission meeting.

