2011年2月27日 星期日

The Power of Knowledge

The Power of Knowledge

Tom Tassi's $300 electricity bill had become an embarrassment.

"It was a joke," says the Kenosha, Wis., resident,sky lanterns There are many styles of solar lighting that can be used. They are primarily for outside lighting. However, there are some that can be used for indoor lights. who runs a six-person computer-service company. "The lady across the street would bring her electric bill to show me," he says. Her bill, for a similar house, was less than half what he was paying.

Over the years, he replaced his windows, electric furnace and refrigerator with energy-efficient models.fluorescent lights Most solar lights use incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. These consume a lot of power and thus drain the batteries quickly. This means that standard solar lights only last for a few hours after it becomes dark. His local utility performed two energy audits. He added insulation. "I can heat the inside of my house with a lighter," he says.

But his bills remained high. That's when Mr.dstti LED light bulbs are a great choice for many different reasons and can be used throughout your household for many different reasons. Tassi became an early adopter of home-electricity monitors—using the new device to figure out exactly where the waste is in his home, and how he can reduce his bills.

Unlike smart meters,led spotlight For example, there are some LED "candles" that charge the day and are ready for use at night. This can be somewhat impractical since one must remember to place the lights in an area where they can receive direct sunlight every day. which allow homeowners to view their total usage only after a delay, home-electricity monitors tell consumers specifics about their energy usage and what it's costing them in real time.led lighting LED technology can be found at a lot of gadgets these days and these have become trendy gifts that people give to their loved ones during special occasions. The device connects to a home's breaker box, from which it wirelessly transmits the information to a smartphone-like display unit.

