2011年2月21日 星期一

Global revenue for LED luminaires

Global revenue for LED luminaires in commercial/industrial applications are expected to exceed $1bn in 2011.inflatable life jackets One thing to remember which can be considered when using any type of bulb is "Do not look directly at the light", the light that a LED bulb gives off is an intense low light so it can be very dangerous for your eyes if you look directly at it.

Outdoor area lighting applications (which have benefitted from fiscal stimuli and the need for energy conservation) are expected to grow at a CAGR of 38% through 2014. In particular, solar-powered lanterns will be a low-margin/high-volume application, assisted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governments aiming to save fuel subsidies. Revenue for this sub-segment is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 58%.

In addition, LED exit signs have become a mature market in the USA,bluebright One of the most basic devices that run on LED is a flashlight. Older models relied on a single bulb to produce the light needed to make one work. and are in the initial stage of market penetration in white-light applications in egress signage lighting outside the USA.

The report concludes that China is the largest market as well as the largest supplier of LED luminaires.

