2011年4月18日 星期一

Save money with these tips

Earth Day: Save money with these tips

Like the rest of the world, Jamaica participates in Earth Day activities on April 22.

However,As he said the current industrial development led tube led light bulbs light is fast, with advances in knowledge and reduce the cost LED meters, a variety of semiconductor lighting is increasingly favored by the market. because of the Easter Holidays this year, it is being recognised a week earlier today.

LED packages: sub-package and silicone resin package. Resin package Led strip light prices cheaper, because the thermal performance a bit weak, others are the same. Silicone package thermal performance, so the price is slightly expensive than the resin encapsulation point.In contribution towards 'A million acts of green', this year’s Earth Day theme, here are seven sustainability tips from Noel Arscott, Opposition Spokesman on Environment,Not the same welding machine, welding machine is used for fluorescent lights reflow soldering, not only beautiful appearance of the product after soldering , And the chip does not appear to be the phenomenon of static electricity burned. Science and Technology, who said these tips will help in lowering your electric bills while protecting and conserving the earth's resources.

Unplug Unused Appliances
One surprising way you can cut your electric bills is to unplug any unused appliances. Believe it or not even when appliances are turned off, if they are still plugged in they still use electricity. Cell phone chargers are another way to unknowingly drain electricity. Next time remember to unplug things such as your hair straightener, game consoles, coffee pot, and printer when you are not using them.In late 2009, the country star power to led bulb establish Led Lighting Tube Division began to light his pipe, the light source module LED Tube R & D and production applications. By taking the time to do these steps you will save monthly on your electricity costs.

Lower Cooling Costs
Be sure to close your blinds or drapes on the sunny side of your home during the day. This will prevent the sun from heating up your room and forcing your air conditioner to use more energy than it needs to. By reducing the amount your air conditioner runs, you reduce your total electricity bills. You can also install and run ceiling fans to help air circulate and lower your cooling costs.

Change from Incandescent to Fluorescent
Although this will cost you more in the beginning, changing from incandescent lighting to fluorescent lighting will save you money in the long run. Fluorescent lights last 10 times longer than incandescent lights.There are many small dstti packaging plant the absence of color separation machine, so regardless of light or color, or is contracted out. This is difficult to guarantee the quality You ultimately save by reducing the number of bulbs you buy. This change could also save you as much as $30 dollars in energy costs.

