2011年3月14日 星期一

5 Cleantech Trends to Watch in 2011

5 Cleantech Trends to Watch in 2011

For those betting folks out there, here’s five solid trends you can likely count on for the global clean energy industry, courtesy of a new report from Clean Edge: a boom in LEDs, a trend in biofuels for aviation, increased use of natural gas to back up wind and solar power, a surge in low-cost green buildings, and new ways to conserve and reuse the rare earth materials critical to many green technologies.

Of the five trends, I’d put the rare earth materials one right at the top of those being driven by cold, hard economic realities. China dominates the supply of rare earth materials with around 95 percent of global production, but it has been imposing increasingly stringent quotas on their export over the past year or so. That’s led to a surge in investor interest in rare earth mining outside China, with companies like U.S.-based Molycorp or Australia’s Lynas reaping the rewards.

Still,2012 for all states except California, where initial provisions large pet carrier of the act went into effect this year.McEachron sparked a review of the cameras not leather phone cases long after he was elected in 2008 as well, in a process that led to six cameras being removed last summer. starting up new mining and manufacturing projects will take years. In the meantime, efforts are underway to both recycle more rare earths and find ways to build technologies that don’t need as much of them, as Clean Edge’s report highlights. Japan’s Hitachi provides an example of both trends — in December, it announced a new technology for extracting rare earths from disk drive motors and air conditioner compressors,At the Feb. 11 CRD meeting, directors infrared sauna benefits discussed some resolutions that will be finalized later this month. and it’s also one of several companies designing electric motors that use ferrite magnets instead of rare earths, Clean Edge reports.As previously revealed in The Oxford Times, the county led bulb council is considering permanently removing the lights and replacing them with a system of roundabouts.To charge the battery, just plug the built-in USB inflatable tent cable to an open USB port on a computer or USB AC adapter. The cable is only 4-inches long so a USB extension cable may be needed.

